This is the step that get’s you moving…

Jeff Sturm - theJournal
6 min readMar 8, 2022

Step 5 in Finding My Way Out: “Just Do Something”

Lights. Camera. Action!


I’m a master at momentum.

I can make it, create it and when I feel it, I run with it.

If you’ve worked with me before, you’ve felt this (for good or bad 😬🤷‍♂️). And if you know me well, you also know this momentum isn’t just about forward motion. It’s not just about movement that others can see and would label as progress. Stationary Momentum is just as real and just as impactful as full-on, barrel busting, face melting, freight train forward momentum.

But it’s different.

The good news about any kind of momentum is that a body in motion tends to stay in motion. We love it. When you have momentum, you’re moving, grooving and all things are easier.

It always takes less energy to sustain than it does to gain. It takes less energy to flow than to try and make it go.

With momentum you can continue to head whichever direction you’re going and it will require much less of you.

Which brings us to the bad news about momentum…

When the river is rushing a direction you don’t want, you need to be ready to jump. Sustaining momentum is one thing, changing it (or getting out of it) is entirely different.

When momentum is moving hard in a direction you don’t want to go, it takes two to three times the energy to slow it down or to get out.

I think we all get this, we just don’t typically consider it or recognize it until the thing has picked up head of steam.

Then we feel stuck.

In the stream.

The Culprit behind Stuckness

The kind of momentum I’m journaling about today isn’t the typical kind that’s easy to see or that others may feel. Today I’m digging into what tends to be a more hidden undertow that can pull you in and hold you down if you’re not careful.

It’s also what sits squarely behind Step 5 in “Finding My Way Out”.

This is actually the culprit behind any situation where you feel stalled, stuck, or swirling.

If you’ve ever felt yourself sinking in the sands of paralysis, over-analysis, or overwhelmed and unable to move.. this step is for you.

But understand this, it sounds easy, but can be super difficult. Your best bet will be to just step into it and understand that it’s that very first step that has the potential to change everything.

But first, lets talk about what’s behind it all…

The culprit behind the stuckness…

Stationary Momentum.

Stationary as in “not going anywhere”.. or Stationary as in being caught within a repeative cylce of life that feels ongoing, captive and/or never ending.

Let’s dig in.

Standing in the Sand

Stationary Momentum

At first this seems to be a bit of an oxymoron.

If an object is stationary, its not moving. There’s no momentum, right?

But let’s take a closer look, because understanding the momentum that’s in the movement of staying stationary is important. Without this awareness you will accidentally create it and then wonder why it’s so hard to get started, unstuck, or moving again.

All energy moves.

We know this because it’s science.

So even though something is “stationary” there is energy moving.

And if energy is moving, but not moving forward… then.. well.. its circling. And energy moving in circles sounds a lot like.. swirl.

Stationary, swirling energy.

And if something is staying put with a lot of energy circling, spinning, and swirling… you can picture what happens next. It starts digging you down. Sinking you in. Settling in. Swirling around, plowing down.

Stationary momentum digging-in deeper, daily.

Ever stand in the sand completely still? Then the tides comes in, wash over your feet, and you slowly begin sinking into the Earth. Your feet move slowly back and forth and further down you go… Sinking-in. Digging-in. Going Deeper. A bit of stationary momentum at work, planting you firmly into the Earth.

This is what happens when you’re going no where or if you’re stuck in the same life cycle going over and over again.

What’s Keeping You There

From a life standpoint our Stationary Momentum usually begins with comfort and ease. Even if you tell me it’s not comfortable, it’s familiar, and familiar equals comfort in the depths of your consciousness.

And that’s what keeps you there.

Not always, but mostly.

  • It’s just easier to not do something. So you stay where you are.
  • It’s more comfortable to not change anything. So you stay in it, stay where you are. And the cycle continues.

And with each decision to not do something, stationary momentum builds. Energy moving in circles, swirling in motion, digging you deeper.. right where you are.

Stationary Momentum building.

It’s easier to just keep life on repeat. You’re getting planted deeper, you’re sinking down even further, its getting harder to move. But repeat is familiar, and the undertow is strong.

You need to break the chain.

And today’s #LifeLesson, Step 5 in “Finding My Way Out” is the answer.

And it only takes one big blast of energy.

The magic here is real. Listen up.

Just Do Something

Take that Step

You’ve heard it said that a journey of a thousand miles begins with one small step. But the thousand miles is what’s on my mind and it’s numbing.

What we’re talking about now is to forget about all that. Forget about the thousand miles and forget about the swirling energy holding you down.

Just get up, stand up, pull back the curtains and let in the light.

Just do something.

  • Just do something and suddenly things begin to shift.
  • Just do something & suddenly new energy begins to move.
  • Just do something and you feel it.
  • Just do something and new mojo gets some new juice and so do you.
  • Just do something and the winds of change begin to show and the flow feels different.

Just do something that you haven’t been doing and suddenly you’re moving once again.

You’ve done this before. I know you have.

You just have to remember… and then do it again.

Think about it. In your own life you have shifted the momentum just by getting up, getting out, stepping in, and making something happen.


Full transparency now… I can create incredible stationary momentum.

I’ve done it on purpose for good reason and I’ve done it by accident and really wish I hadn’t. And I’m likely not the only one.

How about you?

  • Are you there now by chance? In the sand? Stationary?
  • Do you need to change things up?
  • Are you ready to shake things up?
  • Do you want to change direction?
  • Are you ready to head somewhere different?

If so, then now it’s time.. and now you know a great way to get started.

To get unstuck, stop the swirl, get moving, and get going.

Just do something.

Honestly, it doesn’t even matter what.

All you have to do is get up and do something to change it up.

That’s what I’m doing now.

How about you?

Let Go and LET’S GO.




Jeff Sturm - theJournal

Living life. Sharing the journey: Lessons from Leading to Learning, Experiencing and Exploring, Struggles to Freedom, a Rising of the Soul, a new Mind.