Love Beyond Belief

Can you love beyond (your) belief?

Jeff Sturm - theJournal
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself


Pic by Author — Times Square, NYC — An explosion of color, life, and love.

April 30th, 2024 — 3:35pm — This is it!

With what amounts to a 15hr layover in NYC,
I decided to give the city a run!

Of course this is all before my 14hr flight to Doha; which sets up my 11hr layover there, which turns into my 9hr flight back to Bali! Whew. :-O

Meanwhile, I’m running through Times Square, hitting up the Hard Rock Cafe, stopping in Margarittaville, and taking in views from the top-of-the-rock… but the main event is simply seeing EVERYBODY, listening to EVERYBODY, feeling EVERYBODY.


Love Beyond Belief

If you want to people watch, New York City is the place to be!

I feel the energy,
the cool in the air,
the people everywhere.

I feel so much! So many feels!
So many different people, different cultures,
different beliefs, different languages,
different, different, different.

I absolutely love it.
Didn’t use to love it though.

This is used to scare me.
Or at least give me a bit of anxiety.

We’re taught so much to fear what is different.

We’re taught to try and convince people that are different than us to be more like us.

But difference is where the beauty is!
The beauty is in the contrast!

The contrast creates the wonder.
Clouds make beauty in the skies!
Rain makes beauty through rainbows!
Sameness eventually becomes dull, flat.
The contrast is where it’s at.

Yet we seem to fear it in people, in beliefs, in looks, in life styles.

If you truly know Love…

What is love if not the full acceptance of all?
All differences, all persuasions, all beliefs, all cultures.

Love makes room for everyone, just as they are.

We don’t have to understand to smile.
We don’t have to understand to offer a helping hand.
And we certainly don’t have to convince people to be like us to love them.

Those that truly love God must understand this, right? That God is love,
and so of course we should love all things.

Our love should not rest on the shifting sands of culture, skin color, persuasion, or belief. We know there is complete oneness in God, the divine source and very essence of love. So how can we resist and push back on so many?

Could it be “belief” gets in the way?
We must learn to love beyond belief!

Wherever we look we only see a reflection of ourselves and the love we give, or not. And this is what will show the true condition of our heart.

This is important to understand, the love we show to others (especially those not like us) shows the love we have.

“They will know you by your love” — Jesus

For love is what binds us and connects us all.
And it is everywhere.

And on this run through the city, I see it like never before.
A kaleidoscope of color, belief, persuasion, and beauty.

I don’t understand it all, but I feel it, and so I smile.

And I Love beyond (my) belief.

Let go and LET’S GO!



Jeff Sturm - theJournal
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Living Life and Sharing the journey: Lessons of Leading and Learning. Discoveries of Experiencing and Exploring. This is my Journal, lets adventure together.