Love and Acceptance

Do not know? Have you not heard?

Jeff Sturm - theJournal
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself


pic by author — NYC Margaritaville — April 30th, 2024

APRIL 30th, 5:30pm — On My Own — NYC, USA

To be out here running around on my own is so incredibly special to me. I understand this is not everyone’s thing and many who are on their own want nothing more than to be with people. I enjoy both to be sure, but the ability to really get to know myself is amplified when it’s just me.

This very real idea of self-love and self-acceptance has been nothing short of miraculous to me over these many months. I’ve heard it all my life, but I also have been part of a culture of fear, dependency, and avoidance for most of that time too.

To be still, to be on your own, to really listen to your thoughts and feel what’s in your heart is a gift. To explore your inner being without noise, without distraction, without dependency, and without someone else telling you whats wrong with you or what you need to do different, there is freedom here. Especially when that voice is so often yourself.

The Gift

The bigger gift than this though is loving and accepting whatever comes out of there. Whatever thought, whatever habit, whatever struggle, whatever awesome, to simply love, accept, and hold yourself close. Trauma and all. Issues and all. The dark and the light. What you’re not proud of and also what are incredibly proud of. You are fine. Love you. Accept you. You are fine. Feel that.

Love and Acceptance.

In this Moment.
In the Now.

You are fine.

Simply and Wonderfully, fine.

Sure, you’ll get better.
Indeed, you want to grow and expand.
But today, embrace yourself. Know yourself.

You are perfect just as you are.

Love and Acceptance

This has hit me hard lately.
We all are so self-critical.
We all so easily find our flaws.
So many people like to tell them to us too.
And don’t even get started with comparison.

Let that shit go.
Let all of it go.
You are fine.

You. Are.

Feel it.

Love and Acceptance.

Its all yours.
Get it.

Let go and LET’S GO!
- jeff



Jeff Sturm - theJournal
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Living Life and Sharing the journey: Lessons of Leading and Learning. Discoveries of Experiencing and Exploring. This is my Journal, lets adventure together.